• Viewing the Game Screen

Passive Mode

1. Display Name
The color of a display name reveals important information.
White – Other PCs
Blue – Party members
Green – NPCs
Yellow – Enemies
Red – Engaged enemies

* Semi-Transparent Display Names
When the display name of a PC is semi-transparent, it indicates that player is currently in a different area than you. These PCs are still displayed on-screen to help contribute to the seamless transitioning between areas. However, players should note that party invites cannot be extended across areas.

2. Minimap
The minimap displays the immediate vicinity around you, the direction you are facing, the direction the camera is facing, and the position of various NPCs.

3. Log
This display contains all of the various logs used to display text within the game, such as the system log, combat log, and chat log. Players may input text by selecting the chat prompt area.

4. Unit Frame
The unit frame displays various aspects of your character’s status, such as HP, MP, and TP.

5. Connection Status
Displays your network connection status alongside the current date and time in Eorzea.

Active Mode

1. Action Bar
This bar displays the various commands available for use in relation to the PC or NPC you are currently targeting.

2. Stamina Gauge
This gauge tells how much time is left before the next action may be executed. Though there are a few exceptions, for the most part all attacks, abilities, weapon skills, and spells require that the stamina gauge be filled to a certain amount. It is possible to execute multiple actions in succession by allowing the stamina gauge to accumulate. Actions performed with the off hand require that the stamina gauge be filled to higher levels.

For certain classes, a secondary stamina gauge will appear when a shield is equipped in the off hand. All shield-related commands will make use of this gauge.

The stamina gauges of the main hand and off hand are entirely independent of one another. Should a character have a shield equipped in their off hand, two stamina gauges will be displayed simultaneously.

- Other
- Passive Mode and Active Mode
"Passive Mode" is the designation given to the state in which a player's arm or tool is not drawn. In this mode, hit points regenerate automatically.
"Active Mode" refers to the state in which a player's arm or tool is drawn. In this mode, various battle commands are available, but movement speed is reduced in comparison to passive mode.

- Arms and Tools
There are a vast array of arms and tools in FINAL FANTASY XIV which allow players to assume the role of any of a number of classes. However, the following conditions should be kept in mind when changing equipment.
Equipping Arms – Players must be in passive mode and not engaged with an enemy.
Equipping Tools – Players must be in passive mode.

During the Beta Test phase, there will be a total of twelve types of arms and tools available (swords, hand-to-hand weapons, axes, polearms, bows, conjurer arms, thaumaturge arms, hammers, and pickaxes). Players can change their class simply by virtue of changing the arm or tool they have equipped in their hand.

  • Battle

The Flow of Battle
1. Ready an arm or tool, changing from passive mode to active mode.

2. Target an enemy.

3. Select a command from the action bar, and make use of the action and effect gauges to execute it effectively.

4. Strategize with other party members, deciding upon an appropriate Battle Regimen*.

5. Gain victory in battle to be rewarded with experience and skill points.

6. Obtain and distribute any loot dropped by the enemy.

* Battle Regimen
Battle Regimens are combat tactics which party members may employ against a single enemy. By coordinating and executing battle commands in a precise order, players may cause certain additional beneficial effects to occur.

A Battle Regimen begins with the stacking of battle commands. All party members who wish to take part in the Battle Regimen must stack their actions in the correct order against the desired target. One of the members then initiates the Battle Regimen, and the stacked actions will be executed automatically.

Step 1: Consult with other party members to determine the best Battle Regimen to use against a specific target. The battle commands and the order in which they are to be executed should all be decided.

Step 2: Wait until your position in the queue comes around to switch to Battle Regimen mode and select the battle command you wish to stack.

Step 3: After all participating party members have stacked their battle commands, one of the party members selects to initiate the Battle Regimen.

Step 4: Once the Battle Regimen is initiated, the stacked battle commands will all be executed automatically, chaining together to create additional effects.

Please note that factors such as distance from the enemy may prevent stacked battle commands from being executed once the Battle Regimen is initiated. In these cases, the Battle Regimen will not end, but will instead proceed on to the next command in the queue.

Enemy Toughness
An enemy’s degree of difficulty is represented by the color of the circle located in the extreme left portion of the unit frame. This display takes into account whether the player is solo or a member of a party.

Red – Incredibly Tough
Orange – Very Tough
Yellow – Tough
Green – Decent Challenge
Blue – Easy Prey

Physical Levels and Class Ranks
In FINAL FANTASY XIV, a character’s progress is measured in two ways. Physical levels represent one’s actual physical development, while class ranks measure how adept one is with various arms and tools.

- Physical Levels
Characters gain physical levels by accumulating a certain amount of experience points,at which time they will be awarded points that can be distributed as desired to enhance various attributes. Any attribute points you have spent may be redistributed after a certain amount of time has elapsed

- Class Ranks
Class ranks are gained by accumulating skill points from various endeavors, such as combat or crafting. As a character’s Class ranks increases, they will learn new actions, such as abilities and weapon skills.

* Physical level and Class ranks caps will be set at 30 for the Beta Test Phase.

Setting Actions for Use
Actions and traits that a character has acquired can be set for use in the Actions & Traits menu. During the Beta Test phase, up to 30 battle actions, 10 traits, and 10 gathering and synthesis actions can be assigned.

Barring a few class-specific exceptions, actions will be available for use even when using a class different from the one on which the action learned. However, the power and efficacy of each action is determined by its affinity with the character’s active skill.

The Spoils of War
Any items received after a battle will be placed in a player’s loot list. During party play, items are distributed randomly to the lists of each member.

After a certain period of time, items on a loot list will be automatically moved to a player’s inventory. Should the player’s inventory be full, the items will be lost.

Items on a loot list are not considered in a player’s possession until they are added to his/her inventory. Until then, any items, including those which are rare (untradeable) and unique (players can possess no more than one), can be transferred to another party member’s list.

* Items obtained through gathering will also be added to the loot list before being moved to a player’s inventory.
*Items obtained from treasure chests may also first find their way to the loot list.

  • Being KO’d

If a character’s HP is reduced to 0, he/she will be “knocked out” and no longer able to move or act. A character can be revived by selecting “Return” from the main menu and choosing a destination from the listed aetheryte camps or aetherial gates.

* If a character is KO’d while participating in a levequest, he/she will be teleported back to the corresponding aetheryte.
* For the duration of the Beta Test, characters KO’d will receive a weakness penalty which will not only lower total HP, but also reduce the speed with which their stamina gauge fills, as well as increase the length of casting times. This penalty will last five minutes before wearing off.

  • Aetheryte

Rifts along the surface of Hydaelyn can cause “leaks” from which the planet’s lifeblood, aether, can escape. By harnessing the power from concentrated deposits known as “aetheryte,” the residents of Eorzea have seen a marked improvement in everyday life. Below is a list of the three most common types of aetheryte, and their benefits.

Aetheryte Crystals
Located in towns and camps, these giant crystalline objects are most often used as the starting places of levequests, due to their accessibility.
Upon approaching an aetheryte crystal, an Aetheryte option will appear in the system menu. Selecting this will automatically do four things:
1. Restore all HP and MP.
2. Set the aetheryte as your home point (to where you will return when warping).
3. Register the location to your teleport list (first visit only), thereby allowing you to teleport to that aetheryte whenever you choose.
4. Give you the option to begin any levequests in your possession originating from that location.

In addition to the above, playing tips can also be browsed at an aetheryte crystal.

Aetherial Gates
Aetherial gates are permanent discharges of aether located in various places around Eorzea. While not as concentrated as aetheryte crystals, the gates can still be used to instantly restore HP and MP, and set your home point.

Aetherial Nodes
Aetherial nodes are temporary phenomena which usually appear only after completing a levequest. They can be used to teleport instantly back to the aetheryte crystal at which a player began that quest. Only players who took part in the levequest can access the nodes, which will fade if not used promptly.

  • Returning and Teleporting

Players can expend anima-their character’s spiritual energy-to instantaneously travel to aetheryte crystals and aetherial gates. Select either the Return or Teleport command in the main menu, and your character will proceed to break his/her body down into the aetheric form needed for teleportation. Upon the conclusion of this 30-second process, you will be transported to your registered destination. Inputting any other command during this time will cancel the action.

At the cost of two anima points,Players can return to their previously set home points at any time by selecting the Return option from the main menu. However, if a player is participating in a levequest, selecting this option at that time will result in teleportation back to the aetheryte crystal or aetherial gate used to activate the quest. The Return command can also be used at no cost while KO’d to revive your character.

By selecting Teleport from the main menu, a player can teleport their entire party to any aetheryte crystal location they have already visited. When one party member uses the Teleport option, a confirmation button will be sent to all other members, allowing them to decide whether or not they also wish to be teleported.
The amount of anima required for teleportation will vary based on the distance to your destination.

*Please note, both the Return and Teleport options can only be used when in passive mode.
*Anima recovers gradually over time up to a maximum of 100 points.

  • Logging Out

To log out of FINAL FANTASY XIV and exit the game, select Logout from the main menu. The logout process requires 30 seconds to complete and can be cancelled at any time by inputting another command.

*Please note, players cannot log out while in active mode.

  • Viewing the World Map

1. Area: The name of the area currently being displayed within the above-mentioned region.

2. Camp: The name of the aetheryte camp presiding over the current area.

3. Aetheryte camp location.

4. Player's current position and directional bearing.

5. Aetherial gate location.

6. Map Menu Button: Select Change Map to view other acquired maps.

  • Journal

Players can keep track of the quests they have accepted by viewing the Journal found in the main menu. Clicking on the header will bring up the following options: Levequests (Regional and Local) and Quests (Class Quests). Select the corresponding category to view all related journal entries. Clicking the Map button found with each quest entry will bring up a map indicating your destination and the NPC you should seek out next.

* Please observe general online manners and etiquette when communicating with others.

  • Means of Communication

Chat Modes
Any message input in the say chat mode can be seen by any and all players in the immediate vicinity. It is the default chat mode, and messages displayed in this manner will appear in white. This chat mode is activated by prefacing a message with either /say or simply /s. In addition, the active chat mode may be set to say mode by entering the command /say without a message following.

Any message input in the party chat mode can be seen by any and all party members. Messages displayed in this manner appear in blue. This chat mode is activated by prefacing a message with /party or simply /p. In addition, the active chat mode may be set to party mode by entering the command /party without a following message.

Any message input in the tell chat mode can be seen only by a single designated player. Messages displayed in this manner appear in pink. This chat mode is activated by prefacing a message with /tell or simply /t . The active chat mode cannot be set to tell mode. During the Alpha Test phase, PC names must be entered in their entirety (first and last names).

Shout chat mode is much like say chat mode, with the sole difference being that messages can be seen by players in a much wider area. Messages displayed in this manner appear in light pink. This chat mode is activated by prefacing a message with either /shout or simply /sh. The active chat mode cannot be set to shout mode.

Emotes are a collection of expressions and gestures that can be used to convey the emotional state of your character. The emote menu is bound to the N key in the default keyboard setup, and can also be accessed by selecting the second icon from the right on the action bar.

By forming a party with others, players will be able to defeat monsters and complete guildleves of a difficulty unthinkable to the solo adventurer. A single party may contain up to 15 characters.

  • Parties

Forming a Party
To form a party, simply target and select the player that you wish to invite, and then select the Invite option that appears. If your invitation is accepted, the party will be formed automatically, with the person who sent the initial invitation becoming the party leader. The leader is the only member of the party who can invite additional members.
* Players who are already in a party cannot be invited.

Accepting a Party Invite
If another player invites you to a party, a Join party? button will appear on your screen. Select this to bring up a prompt displaying the options of Yes, No, and Cancel. Choose Yes to accept the invitation.

Party Commands
- Promote
The Promote command allows players to change the party leader. It may only be carried out by the current party leader.

- Oust
The Oust command allows players to remove members from a party. It may only be carried out by the current party leader.

- Leave
The Leave command allows players to disband from a party.

Once a Party is Formed
Following the formation of a party, the unit frames of all party members will be displayed together in the lower right portion of the screen. The party leader will be designated by the presence of a yellow diamond to the immediate left of the leader’s name.

Recruiting Party Members
It is possible to recruit adventurers whose skills and objectives are compatible with your own to join your party.

1. From the main menu, select Party and then Recruit.

2. Set your recruitment details and conditions including purpose, location, class, and duration.

Seeking a Party
Individual players can also perform a search for a party that suits their needs and objectives.

1. From the main menu, select Party and then Search.

2. Review the recruitment details and conditions of parties currently recruiting members and select the one you wish to join.

  • Trade

The Trade command allows you to exchange items and gil with other players.

1. To initiate a trade, simply target and select a player, and then select the Trade option that appears.
* The recipient of a trade request will an Accept Trade? button. Selecting this will present the player with the options of Yes, No, and Cancel. Choose Yes to accept the request.

2. Accepting a trade request will automatically open the trade window.

3. Both players set the items and/or gil they wish to exchange in the trade slots provided.

4. Select Accept to complete the trade process.
* Selecting Cancel will abort the trade entirely.

  • Bazaars

Bazaars afford players the ability to sell and purchase items to and from one another. A player who has a bazaar set up will have the bazaar icon displayed next to that player’s name.

Operating Your Bazaar
A player’s bazaar can be set up to contain the items that player wishes to sell to others.

1. From the main menu, open the Item List and then select the Bazaar option. Highlight the item that you wish to sell, and then press Bazaar again.

2. In the window that follows, set the unit price at which you wish to sell your item(s).
* Note that 5% of the designated unit price will be taken as tax when the item sells. For example, an item being sold in a bazaar for 100 gil will require the purchasing player to pay 100 gil, but the player selling the item will receive only 95 gil from the transaction.

3. Having items in your bazaar purchased by other players will result in the gil being automatically added to your inventory.

Browsing Bazaars
By browsing the bazaars of others, players can purchase items.

1. Target and select a player with a bazaar and press the Browse button that appears. Then select the Selling option to view the items that player has up for sale.

2. Select the item you wish to purchase to complete the transaction.

  • Guildleves

Guildleves are special passes that allow their bearers to participate in a plethora of different tasks known as levequests. They are issued by the Adventurers' Guild in each city-state, and can be obtained at the Drowning Wench in Limsa Lominsa.

In general, there are two different types of guildleves: regional and local. Regional levequests most often involve tasks that take place outside the protective walls of the city-states, such as felling fearsome beasts or locating mineral veins. Local levequests, on the other hand, usually involve some sort of synthesis, and can sometimes be completed without even venturing out into the perilous wilds.

There are countless variations of guildleves and the quests that they represent-each with different objectives and rewards. Players can possess up to eight leves at any one time.

During the Beta Test, the list of guildleves made available by the Adventurers' Guild will change once every two days (Eorzea time). Until that list is updated, players may not accept the same levequest twice, nor may they return an incomplete levequest having accepted it.

Regional Guildleves
Speak with Piralnaut in the Drowning Wench to browse the various regional guildleves available in Limsa Lominsa. After selecting a guildleve, travel to the aetheryte indicated in the levequest objectives to start the quest. Any players in your party at this time will also be able to participate in the levequest. Party members who possess the same guildleve will not only be able to participate, but also receive any rewards indicated in the levequest objectives.

The objectives for completing a levequest will be readily visible in a window throughout the quest's duration. Main map and minimap markers will also appear, and can be used to help navigate. Targets will also always have a special icon next to their names, making them easy to recognize. Finally, levequest targets can only be seen by members participating in the quest, so players will never have to worry about their quarry being snatched up by the occasional passerby.

At the successful completion of a regional levequest, an aetherial node will appear. Players can (but are not required to) use this temporary portal to return to the aetheryte where they triggered the quest. It is at this time that they will receive any rewards specified on the guildleve. If a levequest is failed, a node will not appear.

Players who are KO'd during a levequest can continue participating in the quest upon returning to their home point.

* Moving to a different area or logging out during a levequest will result in quest failure for that participant. All other party members can continue with the quest.
* Levequest participants include all party members (who are not already participating in another levequest) at the time the guildleve is activated. Changing party makeup after activating a guildleve will not affect a player's participation status.
* Only those participating in a levequest can attack the targets indicated in the quest objectives.
* Players may participate in their party leader's levequest by seeking the quest-triggering aetheryte.
* Successful completion of a regional levequest will earn you an amount of faction credits based on your performance, as well as contribute to factional influence over a region. Players can possess a maximum of 200 faction credits which can be exchanged for access to an additional type of levequest known as faction leves.
* You will gradually earn “favor” with your Guardian (10 every twelve Eorzea hours up to a maximum of 200). When this has reached a certain amount, you can petition the god or goddess to bless you with a temporary boost to the development rate of various skills.

Local Guildleves
Local guildleves are available from T'mokkri, stationed next to Piralnaut in the Drowning Wench. Unlike regional levequests, local ones do not need to be activated at an aetheryte crystal and do not have any time limits. A local levequest is started by pressing the Synthesize button located near the action menu. From the new window, select Requested Items to bring up a list of available quests. While normal synthesis involves procuring the proper items and crystals to craft an item, the clients of local levequests will usually provide those they hire with the necessary materials; however, this involves finding the client and speaking with him or her.

* The materials provided for local levequests are not added to a player's regular inventory, and are only available for use in completing the requested items indicated on the guildleve.
* After speaking with the client and receiving the materials, the items will appear automatically in the synthesis window after selecting a levequest from the Requested Items menu (see above). Proceed with synthesis (as described in the Synthesis section below) to craft the items.
* Completed items will not be placed in a player's inventory. Levequest progress can be followed by viewing the guildleve.

* Items made with materials provided by a levequest client cannot be used, sold, or traded.
* Speak with the client after using up all the materials to receive payment. Payment will vary based on overall performance.
* During the Beta Test, levequests for carpenters, blacksmiths, weavers, and tanners will be available.

  • Synthesis

The Synthesis Process
1. Having equipped the proper tool, select yourself to display the action bar and choose the Synthesize option.
2. Select from among the available slots and set the desired ingredients from your inventory to be used in the synthesis.
3. Choose the Begin command corresponding to the tool you wish to use-either main hand or off hand-to commence crafting.
4. Observe the status of your crafting and select commands as it progresses until it reaches completion.
5. Obtain the item you crafted, together with an award of skill points.

Synthesis Properties
Each synthesis attempt is governed by three distinct factors. These are listed below with a brief description of each.

- Progress
Progress, which begins at 0% and ends at 100%, denotes how close the current synthesis is to completion.
- Durability
Durability will diminish each time a command is executed during the crafting process. Should the durability reach zero, the synthesis will fail and the ingredients will be lost.
- Focus
Higher degrees of focus allow for a greater chance of creating high-quality items, while at the same time increasing difficulty. Such crafting results will yield higher rewards from synthesis-oriented local levequests.

Viewing the graphic results of a command can help to determine whether the command produced positive or negative results. Through such careful observation, players can increase not only their overall chances of success, but the likelihood of high-quality yields as well.

Basic Commands
The four commands listed below make up the basic commands of synthesis.

- Standard Synthesis
Executing this command will lower durability to a certain extent, but at the same time increase the overall likelihood of success while reducing any negative impact on synthesis ingredients.
- Rapid Synthesis
This command is capable of yielding dramatic results. With luck, it will advance progress with little impact on durability. However, it does place significant strain on synthesis materials. It is perhaps best employed to attempt to turn a failing synthesis into a surprising success.
- Careful Synthesis
This command increases a player’s focus with the specific intent of creating a high-quality item. Due to the fact that it greatly reduces durability, it is essential that it be used in conjunction with certain synthesis-related abilities, as described below.
- Wait
Waiting means that a player simply stands by and waits for the synthesis to perhaps stabilize or take a turn for the better. Observing to excess, however, will result in a decline in durability.

Using Abilities During Synthesis
In addition to the basic commands outlined above, there are also a number of abilities which can only be used during synthesis. These are learned by characters as their crafting skill increases.

There are, however, some important differences. First, synthesis abilities cannot be used twice in succession, meaning that the most frequently they may be executed is every other command. Second, there are no ability costs for using synthesis abilities, such as MP or TP consumption, and no recast timers. The probability of such abilities becoming available for use during synthesis instead depends upon factors such as skill rank and player attributes.

* In the Alpha Test, the abilities with which a player begins the game cannot be removed from the action bar.

Differences Among Tools
Tools employed by the Disciples of the Hand are split into two categories: primary tools (main hand) and secondary tools (off hand). When beginning a synthesis, players must choose the tool with which they wish to craft. Though the synthesis may be conducted with either, the results may differ based on the nature of the recipe or pattern being followed.

* For the Alpha Test, the only differences taken into account will be between item attributes.

Members of the Miners’ Guild will find that they are able to engage in either of two activities-mining, made possible through use of a miner’s primary tools, and quarrying, made possible by secondary tools. Please be aware that even with miner as the active class, a player will not be able to quarry without the proper secondary tool equipped.

* For the Beta Test, even characters who cannot mine may still undertake guildleves which require them to do so. Please exercise caution when making your selections.

  • Mining and Quarrying

How to Mine
1. Use the Lay of the Land ability to search for nearby mineral deposits.
2. Follow the Lay of the Land results to approach a mineral deposit, and select the Mine option when it appears in the system menu.
3. The mining process will now begin, and is split into two phases:
a. Searching for minable veins.
b. Extracting items from discovered veins.
4. Excessive mining will result in a player becoming temporarily unable to mine the same point.
5. Once a mineral deposit is exhausted, another must be found before mining can continue.

How to Quarry
In many ways, quarrying is much like mining, although somewhat simpler.
1. Approach a rocky outcrop to bring up the Quarry option in the system menu. Select it to begin the quarrying process.
2. The rocky outcrop will collapse should an item be extracted from it. Be sure to search again, as there is very likely to be another rocky outcrop nearby. If a player is unable to procure an item, the outcrop will remain and may be quarried again.
3. Excessive quarrying will result in a player becoming temporarily unable to quarry in the immediate vicinity.
4. Once a outcrop is exhausted, another must be found before quarrying can continue.

- There are several types of regional guildleves available to miners. Select Fieldcraft Leves when speaking with Piralnaut to bring up a list of guildleves specially tailored for Disciples of the Land.
- While participating in a mining levequest, the Lay of the Land command will only produce results for locations related to the quest. However, players who happen to find regular mineral deposits and rocky outcrops can access them if they please (though the results will not count toward the levequest).

  • Condition and Repair of Equipment

Through the natural course of use, all equipment-weapons, armor, and tools alike-will suffer from deterioration and a decline in effectiveness. At the hands of a skilled blacksmith, however, such equipment can be restored to prime condition.

- Do-It-Yourself Repairs
First, ensure that the proper tool is equipped. From the main menu, access the Item List and then Inventory. Choose the item you wish to restore, then click the Repair button to initiate the process.

- Enlisting the Aid of Other Adventurers
From the main menu, access the Item List and then Inventory. Choose the item you wish to restore, then click the Seek Repair button to initiate the process. You may choose to offer a certain amount of gil or an item as payment for the repair.

- Emergency Repairs
Certain NPCs located in city-states can perform emergency equipment repairs upon request. Be warned, however, that the subsequent quality of equipment repaired in this manner will fall short of those worked upon by honest-to-goodness blacksmiths.

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